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Salt is an essential component for the proper functioning of a softener. Its role is twofold: it allows the filtration of water in the ion exchange resin and the regeneration of the latter. To preserve the resin and allow it to retain all its qualities in the long term, it is therefore essential to take care of the level of salt present in the tank. Its consumption can vary from one household to another depending on different parameters.

What factors influence the salt consumption of a softener?

The salt consumption of a softener depends on several criteria:
  • The size of the softener: that is the capacity of the resin;
  • The hardness of the water to be treated: the harder the water, the higher the amount of salt required;
  • Water consumption: to be defined according to the number of people present in the household.
These various parameters will be taken into account by the technician during the installation of the water softener. He will then be able to communicate the precise salt consumption of your appliance as well as the minimum level to have in the tank to maintain optimal efficiency of the softener. For example, for a family of 4 people equipped with a softener of 20 liters of resin and whose hardness of tap water is 30 ° f, the salt consumption is approximately 6 bags of 25 kg per year, depending on the customer’s water consumption.

Salt consumption with a softener: good to know

– To guarantee the quality of softened water, a softener must be cleaned by a so-called regeneration phase. This represents the equivalent of one shower per week, or 4% of the total discharge from a household. – Depending on the salt consumption criteria defined previously, the technician ensures during the installation of the softener – or checks during maintenance – that the adjustment of the parameters of the device is optimal in order to minimize the quantities of salt used. – Softened drinking water strictly meets the standards set by the WHO and taken up by European and French regulations. As it is water loaded with sodium ions, people prone to hypertension are advised to seek medical advice regarding the use of a softener, just like food.